Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Mont Saint Michel Abbey

Last night we spent the night at Mont St. Michel Abbey. The abbey sits on a rocky island off the coast of Normandy. It was a popular pilgrimage site during the middle ages but was accessible only by walking across the sand at low tide! So pilgrims had to be careful not to be still out on the sand when the tides changed, as they would be drowned when the water came rushing back in.
 The abbey church as seen from entry to isle.

The abbey history dates back to the 8th century, when the bishop of Avranches had the original abbey built. Legend says he had a vision from Saint Michael, asking him to build the abbey. The bishop ignored the first dream and ignored again when the dream repeated. The third time, St. Michael reportedly drilled a hole in the bishop's head so that the pain would impel him to act as requested. So the bishop had the original abbey constructed at the tip of the island. It was an engineering challenge, since the mount is pointed at the top and can't support a level rectangular church building. Over the years the abbey has been  enlarged and revised til it reached its present state over three levels high, a combination of Romanesque and gothic architecture.  

Models of first abbey and subsequent additions up to present day.

Presently the island is accessed via a causeway, which is being revised to a bridge in order to prevent silt from accumulating along the sides of the causeway.  Upon arriving at the base of the island, its necessary to climb up or down everywhere. Lots and lots of steps -- a medieval stairmaster! We stayed in a hotel about halfway up the island, with a small terrace outside our room, and a terrific view out and up to the abbey. The sun was shining on the day of our arrival, so we took photos of the view at low tide and then again at high tide so that you can see the same view at both times. 

We had another 5 course, 2.5 hour group  dinner last night. Menu  posted below for our restaurant friends. This morning we hiked the rest of the steps up to the abbey for a tour, and then back down to the causeway, leaving just as hordes off tourists who had not spent the night on the island arrived. 
 This is the size of Wm's appetizer omelet.
 The abbey church at the top of the mount.
 The cloister.
Beautiful at night.

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