Saturday, May 25, 2013

Dinner continued

As I mentioned last night on Facebook, the group dinner last night at the Senat in Bourges was memorable. You'll see the menu on the previous post. There were 5 courses, plus an amuse bouche, a sort of pre-appetizer. The amused was a tiny serving of shrimp soup topped with a bread crust. The we had kir, a blackberry liqueur mixed with white wine. Appetizers came next -- mine was eggs poached in red wine (sounds awful but was very tasty) and William's was potato tart with warm goat cheese and a little salad. We ate with Ken and Maureen Sherer, from Sacramento, and enjoyed a lot of fun interaction with Sophie, our waitress. (See photo). (Photobomb by the other waitress.)
Dinner for William was pork with lentils in cream sauce (no photo) and for me fish with potato and celeriac purée. The dark substance is a delicious red wine reduction. 
Ken had the coq au vin (chicken cooked in red wine) with tagliatelle pasta.
Next came goat cheese on toasted bread, followed by dessert. Wm and Ken had stewed prunes cooked in Armagnac (cognac), Maureen and I had pears cooked in wine with spiced ice cream. There was also creme brûlée and pear tart available.  We were stuffed but happy. (And, no, my red nose isn't from too much wine. There's never too much wine in France.  It was cold, and my nose is always red from rosacea.)

This morning was market time in town. Here are a few photos of what was available. There was much, much more to buy than what you see, all of it fresh and local. 

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