Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Louvre

This morning we took the Metro to the Louvre, where we had a guided tour of some of the highlights. If you've never been there, the Louvre is immense, and one could spend many days there to do it justice. It is a collection of old palaces linked together and converted into what must be the largest art museum in the world. Here are a few of the highlights. 
Part of the architecture of the Louvre palace.
Art everywhere, so don't forget to look up.
Here's the famous pyramid entrance.
What a face! And totally unintentional. Must be because a huge wind and rainstorm came up just as we left the Louvre. Thankfully it did not last long, so we walked through the Tuillerie Gardens
To the Orangerie Museum (no photos allowed), where we saw Monet's water lilies painted on huge canvases that surrounded a circular room.  From there, off to the Galeries LaFayette to do a little shopping. 

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